Tuesday, October 14, 2008

How has blogging changed my life?

*This morning, as I was taking 9 minute snoozes for about an hour, I was sort of dreaming. The format of my dream was posts and comments.

*On Saturday I went to lunch with a group of strangers off the Internet who all know stuff about each other. Weird right? It was way out of my comfort zone so I talked Blaine into going with me, which wasn't that hard, cuz what guy doesn't want to have lunch with a dozen chicks from the web? We ended up needing to bring the kids with us, which I was really worried about since I think it was kind of a no kids thing. Luckily, our kids are pretty awesome and I don't think they disturbed anyone too much. And like the rest of us, they really looooved Mary. The best part of having my whole family there while I met strange Internet people, was it was like having my comfort blanket with me. And after we ate, I pretended Roxy needed to go potty, but really I just needed to go clean out my braces. I knew she'd come in useful someday.

*When I was a kid I wanted an imaginary friend but wasn't really creative enough to make one up. Now I have like 30 imaginary friends. It's awesome!


Kristina P. said...

Your kids were awesome! I wouldn't have even known they were there, unless I had seen them with my own eyes.

Matsby said...

Poor Blaine.

rychelle said...

imaginary bloggy friends are the best!
so sorry i missed the lunch. i say the next one takes place in vegas!

*MARY* said...

I was so nervous too, I was sitting in the parking lot for like an hour telling myself "you can do this, you can do this."
I don't know why people always say "nobody's perfect" because your family definitely proves that statement wrong.
And there was nothing in your braces besides teeth. I always wanted braces when I was a kid, but we could never afford them. I think I might get them next year when we finish paying off my husbands medical bills from his appendectomy.

The Morty's said...

Sounds like alot of fun. I have met some wonderful people from the internet. My best friend I met on the internet over 10 years ago. Just wish we were not 2500 miles from each other......

I think it is awesome you have met some wonderful people.

Jessica said...

I know, it's weird... I feel like I know you so well... eg, I know you pooped your pants. But it was strange to meet you IRL and act like we just met for the first time. At least I don't have to act weird when I see you online.

Lauri said...

Imaginary friends ROCK!!! Thanks for being mine!

Lauri said...

Imaginary friends ROCK!!! Thanks for being mine!

Unknown said...

I love my imaginary friends too. They laugh at all the right times and cry with me and whine with me and don't judge me for any of it.

Does it get any better for a gal? And yes, your kids were great. I hope you got them dessert.

amber belmonte said...

i really think not making it to the meet + greet has ruined me forever. do you ever think i'll be able to make it into the cool club?


first of all, i totally took a million 9 minute snoozes this morning too! and then i got up + thought... WHAT'S THE POINT. i didn't even really sleep, because i kept thinking my alarm was gonna go off any SECOND.

second, blog friends are AWESOME! i was so nervous about the meet + greet [before i realized taylor's rodeo was that day] but would have made myself do it! i really hope we can meet soon! :) and i would totally tell you if you had food in your braces! 'cause that's what true blog friends do!

Jessica G. said...

Wish I'd gotten to talk to you more! Maybe it was the seething jealousy I was feeling because you're kids were actually seated and behaving, not running around or whining about something. :)

zachsmom said...

love your blog, and I love the name of your daughter "roxy" too cute. Wish I could have made the meet and greet with ya'll. Glad you had a good time.

wow, I feel so weird when I come out of the blog stalker closet, no more hiding. I could use one of those imaginary friends right now.

mama donk aubri jo said...

That is funny you dream in blog format, lately i dream in Ticket to Ride format, a board game i am addicted to. cute, i want to see you with braces :)

Regirlfriend said...

We loved meeting you and instantly became mesmerized with your family. I wanted to sit your kids down and ask them about quantum physics or something (or in Roxy's case, stress-management through yoga).

I still think about that compound on my way to work sometimes. And sometimes while at work, or in meetings.

Heck is for people that don't believe in gosh