Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hubba, hubba

We went to see the Curious case of Benjamin Button the other night.

It's a good thing they kept making Brad Pitt hotter and hotter as the movie went on, otherwise, I couldn't have endured the length of the movie.


Ashley Outnumbered said...

Love your review.:)

Michelle said...

loved it so much ... i saw it twice.

and yes, he did get progressively more attractive. and i don't usually think he's attractive in the least :)

Kristina P. said...

I really liked this movie. But I completely agree!

Brittany Marie said...

It really was distracting, the more attractive he got. So much that I could watch it again.

Unknown said...

That's one way to warm up in this cold weather!

Just SO said...

Really was it that long? I want to go just for the scene in the commercial where he's climbing onto the bed in his undies. I love his legs in that shot. I'm a leg woman.

amber belmonte said...

i really need to see that!
and i've been loving your quotes from roxy! :) she's adorable + witty, just like her mom!

Christa said...

Well, now I'm convinced. It's time to go see this movie.

Jessica G. said...

I kinda want to see this movie...as much as I want to think Brad Pitt is slimy and all, I just can't ignore my hormones.

mama donk aubri jo said...

his hotness was definitely worth it :)

Christine Peterson said...

sounds awesome, i guess i'll put it on the list

Shot by blaine said...

Stupid Brad...he just keeps puttin' the pressure on the rest of manhood to look younger. Look Better. I hate him. But in case you havent noticed I got braces... now I look 14.

Jenn said...

I wasn't sure about this show, so thanks for the review. Who can't endure Bradley for a couple of hours???

rychelle said...

i really need to go see that.

(glad you're back, btw)

Heck is for people that don't believe in gosh