Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best husband evah!

My sweet Blaine does all the things I hate doing for me.

Like buy my bras.
Brings them home to me.
Returns the ones I don't want.

See, I told you, best evah!


Shot by blaine said...

It's no big deal. I can do it at wal-mart and it has to do with boobs. I'm all in!

Christa said...

You are so lucky. I don't think my husband would even attempt to do something like this for me. If he did, it wouldn't even be worth the effort. He would spend the entire time on the phone with me while he was shopping, claiming that he couldn't find what I was talking about. He didn't know what bras were, they didn't sell them where he was, and on and on. Anything to get out of doing it.

Just SO said...

My husband would not do that. Unless I was on bed rest or something but then why would I need a bra? I'd be stuck in bed all day.

Just SO said...

Oh! Does he buy your feminine products for you as well??

Kristina P. said...

Adam would rather buy tampons that do that.

Blaine is a good man.

rychelle said...

kudos to blaine!

do you think he would be willing to find AND train a man for me?!? ;)

Brittany Marie said...

Wow, that's awesome! Que buys my bras too (but he buys them from Victoria's Secret). Is it sad that I have to ask him what my bra size is?

Ryan.Robyn said...

and he gets everyone braces.. blaine is da bomb

amber belmonte said...

what a great idea! bra shopping sucks!

Unknown said...

How in the world do you dare buy a bra without trying it on? That is just as amazing!

Anonymous said...

This is Bruce not Christine...the only reason i can think that a man would want to go buy a bra is, well if you have seen enemy of the state you will understand. If your not sure what I am refering to check it out. haha...sorry Blaine I totally just sold you out!

Kimbooly said...

Um, so, Blaine doesn't try them on, too, right? ; )

And bwaaahaaahaaa for Latter Bee that has to ask her husband what size bra she wears. Too funny!

But seriously, way to go, Blaine! Rob does the dishes and the laundry in our house. That puts him at the top of the list in my eyes. : ) My list, anyway. : )

Karen said...

This reminds me of a story. I buy my bras online at One came and was defective so I called. I got a VERY LOUD BLACK MAN. "OH,he says, "YOU WANT THE SIZE 44DD BLACK LACY BRA?" Guess I shouldn't have made the call from the office.

Jessica G. said...

Dude...get him to start making dinner and he is up for Husband of the Year!

mama donk aubri jo said...

that is true love right there :)

Lorrie Veasey said...

He's making sure you don't get the front hooking ones.

Those confuse them.

Just sayin.

Ryan.Robyn said...

ps- you suck at commenting on my blog lately. and this is the 2nd one for this post for me :)

Matsby said...

Poor Blaine

Heck is for people that don't believe in gosh