Well, last night Ben found the Christmas presents that I have bought so far this year.
Great. They were from Santa.
I've been wrestling with when to tell the kids anyway. I love the magical spirit of Santa. I love the mystery and the traditions that go along with Santa. Get me right, we FOCUS on Christ, but the Santa part is fun too.
I remember I found out in Grade 2. The other kids were saying Santa isn't real, that it's our parents. The outrage! The blasphemy! I couldn't believe the out and out lies these kids were spewing. Santa would know and they wouldn't get any presents! I defended his honor with all my soul. I knew my parents wouldn't lie to me.
Then I got home from school and my perfect world where you can hear hooves on the roof crashed all around me. I was betrayed, by my own parents. No Santa, my folks were liars, who could I trust, there was no one to turn to. (I believe all my future relationships have suffered this mistrust) I resolved then and there, to never do that to my own kids.
So last night we ended Ben's childhood. Between his finding the presents and him getting up there in years, I knew it was time. He was so sweet, he immediately said, "well then, I got what I wanted for Christmas, to met the real Santa- you guys" Then he quickly realized WE spent the money on his presents. It was sad and touching all at once. He was so grateful, he started listing off all the presents he's gotten that seemed expensive to him. I don't think he'll ever ask for anything big again. I hate that. No more magic. The whole time we talked, his eyes were watery, it broke my heart, but I'm glad he heard it from us instead of his friends. (You'd think this blog was about sex or drugs)
We agreed that Roxy should still think Santa is real, Ben is excited to be in on it with us. This morning I suggested something he should ask Santa for and winked at him, he loved it. I guess I'll just have to enjoy the magic with Roxy while it lasts, I'll be sad when no one in our house tries to hear hooves on the roof anymore.
I don't remember when I found out. I do love the Santa tradition.
so sad, he seriously is the sweetest kid ever :) glad he took it well and is excited to be an elf, that is what we became when we found out and got to help my mom "santa" Christmas Eve :)
Sounds like you handled it pretty well. "I got to meet the real Santa--you guys." My goodness, he is so sweet! It's like somebody is writing these lines for him to say!
I don't know if Jillian really doesn't believe or not. I'm NOT good with this discussion. *sigh* Oh and my 10 year old is still on the fence. Hmm...
Oh poor Beny. Did you tell him because he was figuring it out?or? I know my Mom told us when we started to question Santa. But I'm glad they didn't let us go till the age Grant was! bahaha I hope he doesn't read this, I'm not laughing at him....well. Nevermind
That's just so sweet. What an amazing kid you have.
I fear this day at my house..I know I have a few years, but the magic of them believing is what I look forward to.
Sounds like you have a pretty sweet kid, and you will be able to find other ways to keep the magic of Christmas alive!
I found your blog on the MMB and popped over.
I enjoyed this post- mostly becausse we're in the same spot with our twins. Maybe we'll handle it just as you have. Still, the way your son responded is the most touching part. Sounds like you've got a little softy there. I could only HOPE my son would be so gracious and understanding. What a wonderful son you have!
What a wonderful post. It is so nice that he appreciates all you do for him : ) Very sweet. I saw your comment at Kristina's blog this afternoon and I came over to say hi! : ) My son also learned in 2nd grade. It is hard to watch them grow up, isn't it? Childhood is so magical. I want it to last as long as possible.
I love Santa, and this was my first year that all my kids knew...but it's funny, they didn't let it spoil anything. They appreciated all they got, they were mindful of what they asked for, and they went to bed without a fuss.
Even if they know, you can still have the magic....and it is easier to explain why we should help other families, this has been great. We started a Christmas Jar and they get it. You might be surprised, for me the magic is just beginning!
OH SAD! I had tears in my eyes reading this... I miss Ben and Roxy... (and you too TJ) You guys were always so fun... AND Im soo glad you found me! Now I can see them grow up and all that(sort of).... and I love TJ stories!!!
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