Saturday, March 28, 2009

I got my husband to watch Twilight

and he wondered if it is harder for Edward to be around Bella when she's menstruating.


Christine Peterson said...

bahahahahahahaha what about the "other" thing you mentioned about Edward! Bruce has not watched it, so good for Blaine

Christa said...

I haven't spent much time contemplating the whole Twilight thing, but that is the one thing that has always come to my mind.

Jessica G. said...

Hrmmmmm...that's an interesting question! My husband watched parts of it but when I asked him what he thought, he only responds with rolling his eyes.

Ryan.Robyn said...

i have asked the same question. it has to be.

Lorrie Veasey said...

I thought THE SAME THING. Then I realized Bella was a skinny beyotch with dysmenoreah, who probably only menstruated once every six months: question answered.

Brittany Marie said...

Hahahaha, I am similarly reminded of that scene in the movie My Girl where 11 year old Vada Sulfenfuss gets her first period and screams at Thomas J. "Go away! And don't come back for 5-7 days!!"

Holly said...

That. Is. Awesome.

mama donk aubri jo said...

nice! i love it :)

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