Well, last night Ben found the Christmas presents that I have bought so far this year.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
A little less magic at our house
Posted by TJ at 7:51 AM 11 comments
Friday, November 6, 2009
Maybe I should have studied harder in math...
apparently, I don't understand percentages or something. When you rent a t.v. series on dvd, each episode is 42 minutes long, that means on t.v., there are what, 18 minutes of ads every hour.
Posted by TJ at 5:08 PM 4 comments
Thursday, October 29, 2009
poor, poor, tortured girl
Yesterday Roxy had to go to the hospital to have some dental work done under general anesthesia. It was sad to see her so scared and confused when she was waking up. But other than that there were some funny moments.
Posted by TJ at 3:58 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Lovin' being outside
Posted by TJ at 9:42 AM 10 comments
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
The Killers = The Victim
Posted by TJ at 10:53 PM 7 comments
Friday, September 18, 2009
I wasn't lying, I do intend to start blogging again, but we just moved and don't have internet yet.
Posted by TJ at 2:06 PM 1 comments
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Is she really here?
Today I tried to convince Roxy that she is not real. That after I had Ben, I really wanted a daughter too, so I imagined her. I told her everything about her only exists in my head. Everything; school, her room, having friends, all of it is only pretend to me.
Posted by TJ at 5:31 PM 8 comments
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I miss you guys....
So I think I might come back when school starts back up.
Posted by TJ at 11:20 PM 10 comments
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April Fools Day
I can't believe it's still snowing. I bet Mother Nature thinks she's pretty funny.
Posted by TJ at 9:34 AM 13 comments
Monday, March 30, 2009
I should have a least gotten a free dinner
So I just got back from the doctors and I feel a little like I should file a police report.
But then they'd do a rape kit.
Posted by TJ at 2:32 PM 10 comments
I shoulda been a librarian
We accidentally scheduled our cruise during spring break. Turns out, I'm not really a "party" girl. I spent a lot of time trying to avoid areas of the ship that smelled like liquor.

Aren't we a cute couple? We celebrated our 9th anniversary on this trip. Love ya babe. (we should have just skipped year seven)It was mostly cold, no laying out on the deck for me. In this picture I'm wearing pants, a hoodie, drinking hot and still freezing.
We hadn't really planned on going to formal dining night, but we were there with all Blaine's family and changed our mind at the last minute. We had to improve on the formal. We looked ridiculous, but had fun. Our cruise went to Ensanada, here is a obligatory group pic in Mexico.
Despite it being a little cold and little too partyish for this old prude, we had a great time. It was so nice to have no schedule and sleep whenever I wanted to. Those interior staterooms are nice and dark any time of day.
Oh, and then I got layed off.
While I was gone, they decided to close the dealership I work at. The most awesome part was they didn't even call me. My sister did. She is married to our cashiers brother, that's how she knew, then an hour later my mom called and told me. She received a letter in the mail notifying her because she is a local Saturn owner. Nice huh, hearing it twice from other people before my own boss tells me. I was only gone for three days before everyone but me knew.
So here's to laying around at Seven Peaks Water park with the kids all summer.
Posted by TJ at 7:04 AM 10 comments
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I got my husband to watch Twilight
and he wondered if it is harder for Edward to be around Bella when she's menstruating.
Posted by TJ at 8:09 AM 8 comments
Monday, March 23, 2009
I'm back
from Mexico.
Sort of. I'm now in Mesa visiting in laws.
More to come in a few days.
Posted by TJ at 6:34 PM 9 comments
Friday, March 13, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Who's lookin'
Yesterday I did something very foolish, something I know is very bad for me. But it was for the sake of vanity.
But everyone knows anything is OK for vanity.
I went tanning.
And yes, I was naked. (I didn't plan ahead and bring a swim suit, sorry, I know it's gross to put your bare parts on the bed, just tell yourself they clean them between each use)
I got just a teensy bit burned on my stomach. And by teensy bit I do mean I look like I faced nuclear testing.
Have you ever heard fat burns faster. Yeah, that's true.
Anyway, as a form of cheap entertainment, I was letting the kids press on my stomach and see the white fingerprints that were left behind. I know, best mom ever, right? It didn't take long for Ben to realize in a modest swimsuit your stomach does not get burned, so what was I wearing, a bikini. Note: to my kids bikini = Satan.
Naturally, I couldn't tell them no, I was not wearing a bikini, I was naked, so I just brushed it off saying, it doesn't matter what I was wearing I was all alone in a little room. No one could see me. (And I really, really hope that's true, you know what you hear about those places.)
Roxy immediately replied, "Yeah, that's true, no one could see you....EXCEPT Jesus and Santa.
Posted by TJ at 8:57 AM 14 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
It's gonna be a bright sun shiny day
That damn daylight savings wouldn't let me go to sleep last night.
Posted by TJ at 7:28 AM 9 comments
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Meet Tyson
My sister April's baby was born just fine last Friday, I'm just a little slow.
Posted by TJ at 7:43 AM 6 comments
Thursday, March 5, 2009
The secret
Yesterday I was at my kids elementary school when the principal made his daily announcements. Part of it included a quote; I wasn't listening well enough to remember who said it.
"The secret joy of work is excellence."
I really do believe that, in fact most the time, it's the ONLY joy in work.
Posted by TJ at 7:37 AM 6 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
Parade of coveting
Last weekend we went to the St. George Parade of homes, other wise known as the Parade of I hate-our-small-townhouse.
Check out the view, you can kinda see it in the reflection.

This is in the basement, along with a full work out gym, putting green,

basketball court, with a 218 " screen on the wall,

And my most exciting news is: right now my little sister April is in the hospital trying to get a kid out of her.
Posted by TJ at 8:53 AM 12 comments