Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I challenge you

You know how when someone near you yawns, you yawn. I once spent an entire hour private skating lesson yawning back and forth with my coach. (I slipped that skating thing in so you would wonder if I was a super talented figure skater or something, and I'm not going to tell you otherwise, but I can't honestly confirm that either. But remember I'm not denying it)

Anyway, I challenge you to seek out yawners and NOT yawn back. Let me know if you can do it. Seriously, I really want to know. Because I can't. A guy I work with yawned near me and I fought it. Hard, like WWII hard, and I lost. Like Hiroshima lost. I held my ground for a good minute and a half, and maybe it was just that I was focusing on it so much, but I couldn't not yawn. Very frustrating.

At this point you might be wondering to yourself, 'this frustrates her? Really? She doesn't have anything real to worry about?' Sure I do, this is my style of avoidance management. I don't need to worry about unpaid bills, dirty laundry, or making sure the kids go to bed on time, I'm busy tackling not yawning. And I'd like you to join me.

Now listen, I know there are people who read my blog and don't comment. I don't think that cuz I'm conceded or anything, although, I am a little. You've told me you read and I don't see your comments. (Thanks to those of you that do comment) But please I'm begging you share your yawning adventures with me. Please.


Daybreaking Dickersons said...

I think I probably yawn more than anyone I know. Therefor, I'm never in the position to be in front of someone that is yawning and I am not. I'm always the one starting it.

Kimbooly said...

It's really bad when you're only reading a blog about yawning, and the yawn comes! Now two of them, now three....
And it's not because your blog was boring. (There's yawn #4) I saw the pictures (yawn #5, what did you do to me????!!!??? yawn #6, that was the first real full one) and thought, I don't need to yawn. I read the whole post and then it just crept up on me. I'm fighting #7...#8... I lost to both of them. Shoot!
Add to your game, can you read TJ's blog and not yawn, without even seeing any other people yawning? It may be that just thinging about it triggers an involuntary response.

...Ack, there's yawn #9. I'm outta here!

Shot by blaine said...

I like to think of myself as a yawn instigator, a sort of yawn leader, a shepherd of yawning sheep. Not some yawn follower.

The Morty's said...

Just this post is making me yawn, so maybe you don't have to see it for it to happen.... KWIM?

Ryan.Robyn said...

i can do it. I don't have to yawn. seriously- I've thought the same thing so I fight it now. Not everytime, but sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I just to love to do it in college when the professor was about to call on me. I used to get the prof to yawn all the time.

Knapp Time said...

I like to yawn because I think it feels good, so I embrace it when it comes along. I rarely yawn on my own so thanks to those of you around me that instigate it so I can have the good feeling!

Matsby said...

I have thought about this phenominon a lot and I have come up with a psudo-scientific theory that explains it perfectly. Th me anyway.

Unfortunately it is not currently backed up by any "real" science.

I won't bore you with my radical and revolutionary ideas here, but I'll give you a hint - it involves pockets of air that don't have any air in it.

Kristy Dean said...

I cant do it!! I try so hard, yet i fail every time!! :(
why is this? I even yawn thinking abt it.

Hey and btw its so good to see you TJ :) love your blog!! keep in touch

Anonymous said...

same here :) still trying.

Marlene McGarrity said...

Nah I can't see people yawn and not yawn either TJ. Just those pics of people yawning makes me yawn. I am such a sheep.

TJ said...

Thanks for all your comments, I'm glad I'm not alone.
April, you're wierd.
Melody, you're hilarious.
Gatsby, I'm confused.

Seriously, thanks for all your responses.

Holdinator said...

I can feel it there in the back of my throat, but I'm fighting it, man, I'm fighting it!

Anonymous said...

I have to try very hard to not yawn when I see someone else yawning. I mean, really, really try hard.

Heck is for people that don't believe in gosh