Monday, August 11, 2008


Next Sunday will be my birthday and I'm turning 33. But according to Dr. Oz and his little buddy guy here I'm already 38. Yikes. Apparently I need to eat better and exercise.

You might be wondering why I'm telling you this. I have this dilution, that if you all know my dirty little BMI secret, I'll be embarrassed enough to do something about it. So my goal is to be at least 36 by Christmas. I'll let you know how it goes.

I want to think these guys just don't know what they're doing, but Oprah introduced us. I try to do everything Oprah tells me to which has gotten considerably harder since I don't really watch her show more that once/twice a month anymore. Damn job. Workin' everyday sucks and the stress is making me old.


Kristina P. said...

Stay away from a little book called "The Secret."

And I used to DVR her, but now I just read the transcripts online. I'm not as good as a minion as I used to be.

Holdinator said...

Where can one find out this actual age thing from the Dr.?

Ryan.Robyn said...

ha ha ha. I don't even want to know how old I am, or Ryan? ugh- I bet he is like 80. also- did you notice how many people look at my blog? I really thought I only had like 3 readers. I feel popular

Lorrie Veasey said...

Did you take the REAL AGE quiz? (google real age quiz if not)

Apparently if you floss it's worth about SIX YEARS on or off your age.

The Morty's said...

hmmmmm...... I am scared to know how old I am :-(

Anonymous said...

Don't want to know... I'll live in denial. As far as I'm concerned I'm still 29. Funny thing is I met someone and REALLY wanted to tell them the truth about my age and.... I couldn't remember. I always say 29.. haha. Good luck with getting younger!

duke says he enjoys reading your blog. I hadn't realized he had been reading

Sarah said...

OH work, what would life be without it..... wait I know, 10 TIMES BETTER AND MORE RELAXING! Happy Birthday by the way!

ALF said...

Working everyday is total crap. I'm against it.

TJ said...

I did take the REAL AGE quizz.

Hi Duke!

Sara said...

You could always give up sugar with me :)

Heck is for people that don't believe in gosh